Niebel's Methods, Standards, & Work Design

13th Edition

Andris Freivalds
eISBN-13: 9780077532789

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This edition addresses the increasing global competition and the fact that every industry business and service organization is restructuring itself to operate more effectively. Cost-effectiveness and product reliability without excess capacity are the keys to successful activity in business industry and government. These keys are the end results of methods engineering.The 13th edition of Methods Standards and Work Design will provide practical up-to-date descriptions of engineering methods to measure analyze and design manual work. The text emphasizes both the manual components and the cognitive aspects of work recognizing the gradual decline of the manufacturing sector and the growth of the service sector. The importance of ergonomics and work design as part of methods engineering emphasizes not only increased productivity but also to improve worker health and safety and thus company bottom-line costs. In the twenty-first century it is essential that the industrial engineer consider both productivity issues and their efforts on the health and safety of the worker. This comprehensive text addresses this need by integrating the traditional elements of motion and time study along with the human factors and ergonomics and safety engineering.

Sold By McGraw-Hill Higher Education
ISBNs 0077532783, 9780077532789, 9780073376363, 9780073376363, 9781260644548, 9780073376363
Language English
Number of Pages 750
Edition 13th